Thursday, May 24, 2012


Shavuot starts May 26, 2012 at sundown and continues to May 28th.

Shavuot is truly an awesome time.

At Mt. Sinai, the Israelites received the Torah.  It is an observance where many study in the Shuls all night long, reading the Torah. It is tradition to eat a bunch of goodies like cheese cake at this time.

Sounds good to me!

Crash course on Shavuot:

Live Stream service, Friday, May 25, 2012 at 1:30 P.M. eastern time:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Loving Yourself

For some, the hardest thing to do is to love your self. It can be a daily battle for some.

Rabbi Lazer Brody: video: Loving Yourself

You are unique and Hashem loves you!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tending the Garden, Your Soul

Have you ever gardened? It takes a lot of work, persistence to maintain a garden that is beautiful.
How much more that we ought to tend to our souls! Even soul tending is hard work for it is easy to be careless and off the mark. But, once one eliminates the weeds, it is easier to maintain and grow a health garden...your soul. I have said a long time ago, "you become what you surround yourself with". Isn't it true that if we fill our minds with garbage, that is what we speak, feel, and believe? Rotten, filthy gardens need to be cleaned up and redeemed. If one surrounds themselves with the Torah (the Bible), then we learn and we cultivate a beautiful soul.